Sunday, April 03, 2022

Good thing I burned off all those calories

 Wordle 288 5/6


Yesterday morning we had a big but quick breakfast (pancakes and bacon). It was quick because the kid had plans to see a friend she hadn't seen in a while at 10, and it was at the playground near where she has her swim class. So while the girls were running and climbing around the jungle gyms and the moms were catching up, I decided to go to the gym myself. I didn't track how far I got in 30 minutes because I kept going for longer and went for 4.18 miles in 40 minutes. Woo hoo. 

Definitely my longest workout in a year. Maybe longest in much longer than that; I don't have records of what I was doing back in 2019 or earlier but I think I rarely spent that long jogging. If nothing else, this makes me think about another way to improve my route: do my usual loop, and instead of finding a good detour, just do it twice. This also makes me wonder a bit about non-jogging exercise. Eventually I'll hit the limits of how much running I have time for; how else should I get exercise?

Anyways, we spent over 2 hours at that park. After I got out of the shower, the girls were still happy to climb and play. A little after noon they had to go, so we did too. We went home, got the laundry started, had lunch, and then I took the kid to the park by our house for almost another hour. After that she had music practice and helped me make her bed (grudgingly).

At 4:30 we went to a friends' small, casual party in Bethesda. In fact, it was the tail end of an all-day brunch event. We basically had a second breakfast - croissants, muffins, bagels, fruit, parfait, and in my case a Bloody Mary - for dinner. The kid was the hit of the party. She liked almost all the food they had and there was a shuffleboard table she beat almost everyone at.

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