Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Alone time

Wordle 403 3/6


Oh yeah baby.

Yesterday, after a little work in the morning, I went jogging. I didn't think I'd do the whole loop from two days before, but when I got to the high point a little less than halfway, I found I wasn't too tired, so I kept going. Yay me. For the record it was 5.88 miles, and I did it in 1 hour, 4 minutes. If that doesn't sound impressive, it's still a personal record and very hilly.

In the morning I worked a little more to deal with a task I was able to close out unexpectedly and make it an even half-day. Then T. and I went to a restaurant, and then a couple breweries we hadn't been to before. At each one we got a flight, and then a six-pack or more of beers we liked to bring back with us. The second was in Burlington, so we also did a little shopping nearby, but didn't buy anything. 

Meanwhile the kid was playing with her cousin and her grandparents. A good time was had by all.

Dinner was lamb cooked by my dad, mashed potatoes made by my uncle, and a salad made by I don't know whom. It was good.

This morning we left my parent's place. We started driving by 9, right on target. Good for us. Got home by 6:30. It was tiring but uneventful.

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