Monday, July 18, 2022


Wordle 394 5/6


Yesterday we had the usual Sunday brunch, eggs and home fries. Instead of getting dressed in the morning we just put swimsuits on because we went to meet friends of the kid at a pool around 11. 

It was fun. She's a good swimmer and so are her friends. I haven't been jogging since this, but I wanted to get some kind of exercise, so I tried to go to the deep end and just tread water whenever the kids didn't actively need attention. Maybe I would have swum laps, but difficulty aside, others were there, and it would have me on the other end of the pool from everyone else, somewhat antisocial and neglectful, whereas I could tread water 10 feet from them. Treading water is better than nothing, but it's hard to tell exactly how much. We were there for about 2 hours. Exercise aside, I got a bit of a sunburn. Should have put the sunscreen on better.

After that, home for lunch and a little relaxation. Around 4 we went out again to get a covid booster for the kid and second boosters for T. and I. Although it turned out that I wasn't eligible. Oh well. The kid was very afraid of it. Afterwards, we went to the library, and then Dick's for some sportswear. It started out with T. looking for a new swimsuit, but I got socks, and the kid wound up seeing stuff she liked.

I had planned to cook, but it was almost 6 by the time we stopped shopping, so instead we got fried chicken sandwiches. I read to the kid at bedtime. She was up late. Jet lag.

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