Sunday, July 31, 2022

A tiring day

Wordle 407 5/6


I hate games like that, when the difference between 3 guesses and 5 or 6 is pure luck. I don't know if my strategy should be any different or it's just that the game is too luck-based.

Yesterday I woke up around 6:30 and couldn't get back to sleep. I went jogging early. I started by running by a friend's house to drop off a toy the kid had borrowed, which added half a mile to the usual route. Good for me.

Breakfast was simple instead of the usual weekend brunches because the kid had a playdate with school friends at 10. We were a little late to that but spent a long time there. T. socialized, or maybe networked considering how much work the parents' group needs. I did a little of that but mostly watched the kid and read stuff on my phone. 

We finally left there around 2 PM. After a quick lunch at home, the kid's "BFF" from across the street came over to play. They haven't seen each other in weeks due to summer vacation/travel plans, so we're glad they got to spend time together. T. and I relaxed and had a little downtime before a friend of ours came over. At 7, the kid got to go to her friend's house in turn for pizza and a movie. Then I made dinner for T. our friend, and I. After that, to a bar nearby for cocktails and dessert. Not a date, with a friend and in only about an hour before the kid's movie was over, but still, it was fun.

After the movie, the kid and her friend hung out a bit more. She did something rude to me and her punishment was not getting read to at bedtime. It was tough, but I stuck with it if only to not let her win.

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