Thursday, July 07, 2022

My phone thinks I'm lazy

Wordle 383 4/6


Yesterday was fine. T. still wasn't feeling well, so she didn't go to the office, so I had company. Work wasn't too busy. I went jogging in the late morning and wish I had done it earlier; it was humid all day. Unfortunately my app didn't track the run properly due to a badly timed update. 

I spent a lot of time playing WoW, working on the raid achievements (I just realized I probably missed the chance to finish these today; it's not technically impossible in the future but it'll be much, much harder) and the Mage Tower, but still managed to get some stuff done at work. 

Dinner was tilapia and green beans. After that we watched the Stranger Things finale. It was good.

As for the title, Tuesday I biked to work but I forgot to record the return trip. Yesterday, as I said, I screwed up tracking it when I went jogging. And now I'm in the office, and I took the bus here, so I won't get much exercise today...

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