Thursday, July 14, 2022

Being so tired WITHOUT a kid is a bad sign

Wordle 390 X/6



I didn't sleep well the night before last for some weird reason. Yesterday my right foot hurt as soon as I woke up. It felt like I was footsore despite just getting up, or like I somehow got a bruise on the sole of my foot. I wasn't sure if there was some injury (bad shoes? Bad posture? A bad running route?) or just generally overdoing it, so I didn't go jogging. I was going to get enough steps in anyway...

At 10 in the morning I took the bus to get my hair cut. After that I did a little grocery shopping. I splurged and got myself a salad for lunch. 

Work around that stuff was fine. No meetings. Minor emails and documentation work.

In the afternoon we had a date planned. Around 4 I did a little work around the house at the last minute. Then I walked to T.'s office to meet her and we took the metro together to  Dupont Circle. We went to the comic book shop first. (How romantic, right? But it's in the area and it's always nice to browse.) Then we had dinner at a Turkish place we've been to only once before. Then the actual event, a flamenco show on the roof of a hotel. Fancy (I was dressed more warmly than I'd like, with pants and shoes, but I don't mind getting dressed up for a date and I didn't see any men in sandals), weather-appropriate, and covid-appropriate. We skipped the end, a brief class, but the show was fun anyways. 

Didn't sleep well last night either. There was a little snoring, but I think the weather was a bigger problem. A low of 70 and muggy is hard to deal with, with or without air conditioning.

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