Tuesday, July 19, 2022

The first circle of hell

Wordle 395 5/6


Yesterday we let the kid sleep in. She was kind of grumpy after getting the shot the day before, but it didn't seem like adequate reason to keep her home all day, so we stuck to our plan. We dropped her off at YMCA camp, where she'll spend most of the next two weeks, and then I drove T. and her mother downtown to see some exhibit at the Hirshhorn. Then I had the house to myself for a couple hours and I tried to work.

It was only a couple hours, though. The YMCA called us around 11. The kid had a headache and was tired. Side effects of the shot. So I picked her up and brought her home. When she slept, I worked. When she was in too much pain from flu-like symptoms, I didn't.

We've reached the time of summer when it's impossible to be comfortable in DC. When standing directly in front of an air conditioner, it's cold. Any other time, it's muggy and oppressive. I didn't get any exercise yesterday and I don't feel bad about it. (Then again, I've been desensitized after spending most of the past two summers away. And it was particularly bad while T.'s mother was here. We don't have enough air conditioners for all three bedrooms and the downstairs, so we had windows open a lot.) 

Work wasn't great even when I was able to do it. Some of the feedback I got on this urgent task was particularly inane. I wasted valuable time figuring out how to politely refuse to implement it. I got the document up to my standards of ready to review by the right person by around 4 PM on the due date. (As of this minute, no answer to the request for approval, and I just got a response I haven't finished reading from the guy who provided the feedback. Oh well...) 

Dinner was lobster ravioli and salad. We didn't want the kid's illness to result in hours and hours of TV, so instead we suggested she read. I dug out several old Tintin and Asterix comic books. She went to bed at the usual time, but when we went to bed about an hour later, she joined us. Apparently all those hours of sleeping earlier in the day was catching up to her now. I gave up on getting her to sleep by midnight and took the couch, and later, the kid's bed. The kid and T. spent the night in bed together.

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