Thursday, June 23, 2022

Crazy day

Wordle 369 4/6


Yesterday was crazy. It started off by biking the kid to school a one-day arts camp due to a gap between the end of the school year and the start of our summer plans. That camp was just a block from school, though, because it was recommended by a classmate's parent, so the route was familiar. On the way home I did a little shopping for things I had forgotten the day before.

Before and right after that I revisited the deliverable. I pored over it, focusing on grammar, using a file that tracked the changes since the version submitted last year. I got over halfway through and found a few minor grammatical errors, plus a few things that might not be technically wrong but I wish we had fixed. But here's the thing... almost all of those were in untouched parts! Language that hadn't been changed since last year! So, yeah, I admit I didn't review those bits too closely in the past few weeks, because they were OK with all of us and the client last year! And THAT is what L. was bothering us about at 4:50 on the due date???

I gave that up in disgust when I found something new to be annoyed at. Over a month ago the help desk people reached out to us about updating and standardizing their templates for notifications. We weren't too clear on the overall effort, but shrugged, did our part, and asked to be looped in as soon as possible on follow-ups. Yesterday at 9:27 AM, one of them emailed us about 24 files related to the effort and asked us to work on them by Monday. Getting further details made things worse: they want to start using these first thing Monday, so we really have to be done by Friday night, and they also want some work with SharePoint permissions and a change log. The work on each individual file is easy enough, but still, this is ridiculous.

While sorting that out and getting started, I attended a meeting about a proposed policy change (to greatly summarize) at the school. Sentiment seems to me that they should fix their current problems before choosing to take on new ones. After that it was the end-of-year parent-teacher conference. That was pleasant. The teacher likes our kid.

After that, a little more work. The kid's art camp ended earlier than the usual school day and we had moved the guitar lesson to line up better. There was a little more running around than usual to get her from one to the other and get everything of hers from the camp. On the plus side, we got better cookies than the usual snack during the guitar lesson.

After that, we dropped her off at a friend's house for a long play date, while T. and I drove to the airport to pick up T.'s mother. She's staying with us for a few days as the start of summer plans. We had planned to drive her home, have a quick dinner (probably pasta and green beans), and go to a political event before getting the kid. I was leery of being so busy and wondering if I should excuse myself, but I didn't have to. The event was cancelled, and traffic was so bad getting the mother-in-law from the airport that we opted to have dinner in the area instead. (We went to a restaurant T. and I had been to before. We happened to order pizzas and a salad. One beer with it, in deference to the craziness, but that's still less than I would have had in an evening a week ago or more.) We picked the kid up on the way home from that. 

No exercise, unless just barely hitting the goal for the number of steps qualifies as exercise. First time in a while, I think. Oh well, it was certainly busy enough. Hopefully today.

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