Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Taking stock

Wordle 361 3/6


I think I've got better at this game in recent weeks.

Yesterday wasn't as productive as the day before. Still, I've been/done worse. We drove the kid to school because it looked like it was going to rain, but it didn't. Work was OK. Not too busy but I stayed on top of things. I went jogging during the kid's swimming class. The app says 4.38 miles in 40:24, but I'm not sure how meaningful that is because the treadmill said a good 4.5 miles, if I remember correctly. Dinner was leftovers.

Slept well last night until snoring woke me up around 4. I slept soundly on the couch downstairs until 6. It's almost as big a problem for T. as for me, though. She's taking time off work due to fatigue and looking into medical issues


I feel like taking stock. Unlike this post, there's no particular milestone for today's except maybe the impending end of the school year. 

  • A year ago, I gave myself a dress code. I found that I was basically only leaving the house for the bare essentials. (I don't remember exactly when the kid started which extracurriculars, but at first they were briefer and less social.) I worried that I'd degenerate to wearing pajamas all day or something like that. Not good for my professionalism and arguably not even my mental health. Now, I've been taking the kid to school daily, she has four non-school activities, and we are fairly social as well. Wearing t-shirts more seems harmless.
  • A year ago, I wanted to go back to work. Now I have to admit I don't. I miss some things about that lifestyle and maybe I always will, but I can't argue with the convenience of being flexible about exercise, shopping, and dropping the kid off and picking her up. Maybe when the kid is old enough to get herself to school? Or if T.'s schedule changes to the point where it makes sense for her to deal with the kid every single morning?
  • The last two summers were a chance to see family, get to the country, and relax. For example. This summer will not be, or only will be a different kind of relaxation. The kid will spend time traveling without us, and we're taking the first vacation since covid purely for fun to a new place. (I.e. not to either my parent's house or T.'s parent's house.)
  • I've been better than I expected about exercise. Simply going jogging is easy enough to find time for. I've worked my way up to running 5 miles at a time once or twice. I'm getting to the point where I need to start thinking about what I'm doing and how rather than simply doing something or not. My upper body is neglected. The kid can now do more chin-ups than me. I have mixed feelings about that.
  • When I quit World of Warcraft in January it was mostly boring. Now, the stuff I care about is mostly frustrating. There's a lot of fun stuff in WoW but raiding, in pickup groups, doesn't belong in that category for me. The current raid has 11 bosses. When I wrote this, I had just downed the seventh on Heroic difficulty. Since then I've gone back to Normal and got all of them for completeness, and got two more Heroic bosses. My progress feels asymptotic. I'm not sure this is a problem with the game, lots of people love to hate it, but it really might be a problem with me and my approach to it. This probably wouldn't exist if I wasn't trying to raid in pickup groups, especially not as a healer. 
  • I almost didn't think of mentioning reading until I filled in the labels for this post, but it has fallen by the wayside. I caught up on my backlog, except for finishing The Lightning Rod. It's slow going both because I'm doing other things and because it's scary content, abuse and stuff. Not sure if I feel bad about that. Gaming aside, the real issue is I still don't want to increase the clutter too much but I'm still not getting to the library as much as I expected or wanted.

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