Tuesday, June 21, 2022

My feet still hurt

Wordle 367 6/6


If yesterday's entry seemed very brief, it's partly because I was tired that morning. Sleep issues have almost become the norm rather than the exception. This isn't just the fault of other people; I seem to have become a lighter sleeper than I was a year or two ago. Yesterday morning I woke up around 6 and tried to go back to sleep on the couch. It would be difficult to get back to sleep at that hour in general and unfortunately the kid woke up just 20 minutes or so after that and wanted to watch cartoons. I went jogging right after posting this. I considered skipping it, but it's easy to start jogging, and once I've started my route is a loop so it's easy to continue... my exercise routine is tailored well to my personality. 

Even though it was a holiday, we didn't have the usual big weekend brunch because we were low on or out of relevant stuff, so instead we called in an order to a nearby deli for bagels. I made a concession to my fatigue and drove rather than walking or biking to pick it up.

After that and general morning stuff, we went to Mount Vernon. It's a short drive from home and a mostly outdoors attraction, and the weather was good for it. It was fine. We got there around noon. We had a reservation for a house tour at 1:35, so we just explored the gardens before then. After the tour we had lunch in the cafeteria. (In hindsight we probably should have had lunch first. Oh well.) The kid was well behaved overall. Maybe I should give her more credit than that, it was mostly boring adult stuff and she was actually helpful with a few problems, but there was an incident or two... let's say a grade of A-.

While there we heard from our neighbors, the parents of the kid's best friend. They're members of a private pool not too far from home and invited us. I might have been inclined to skip it and relax at home. I woke up tired and spent all day on my feet. But our summer plans will have us gone a lot, so the kid might not be able to see the friend much, so we went. The kid spent about half her time at the actual pool and the other half on the nearby jungle gym. T. split her time between the pool and socializing with the other parents. I socialized a little but mostly just relaxed in a lounge chair.

Dinner was Hawaiian pizza from the place around the corner. I'd usually have a drink with dinner but I skipped it in hopes that cutting back on drinking will help with sleep issues. The kid got to stay up almost half an hour past her bedtime due to the general fun stuff. While T. put her to bed, I cleaned up the house a bit, because we've got a professional cleaner in here now and T.'s mother is coming tomorrow. My app says that between the morning jog and general walking, I put in 12 miles on my feet yesterday. I'm a little surprised I didn't go to bed much earlier than usual.

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