Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Day one of freedom

Wordle 375 6/6


I made one mistake, in terms of reusing a letter I already knew was wrong, but still, that's weird.

Yesterday was the first day of child-freedom. It was fine. Of course, child-freedom during the workday is the norm. We have plans to go out some evenings and weekends over the coming weeks; that should be fun. But yesterday during the day we caught up on laundry, which we were too busy to do over the weekend like usual. As for work, I just went to a couple meetings, sent a couple emails... the usual. One of those meetings was more fun than usual, in that we spent the time telling our supervisor all about what another team had done wrong. A bitching session, basically, which she was accommodating of, and there's some chance it may lead to positive change...

In the mid-afternoon I went to the grocery store. I walked in hopes that my knee would have improved. Maybe it's better but it's not completely healed yet, so I had the bright idea to make a detour down to the pharmacy on H St. and got a knee brace. It seemed to help.

Dinner was roasted asparagus (not the kid's favorite) and tuna steaks (she wouldn't touch it, especially not a recipe this peppery). After that we just watched TV and played our games.

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