Thursday, June 02, 2022

Flirting with heat stroke

Wordle 348 4/6


Yesterday I drove the ladies in. I could have biked the kid in alone, but T. had to go to the office, and it was so hot she appreciated the air conditioning. 

A little before 11 in the morning I went jogging. The usual route with just a little zig-zagging. I didn't technically get heat stroke, but I still wish I had gone earlier, or done an online exercise entirely indoors. 

Lunch was huge. Finishing off multiple leftovers. Not sure if that's actually bad or not if I wind up snacking less. Dinners have been weird lately due to the travel and cooking experiments. Work was fine. Not too busy. One meeting, productive. Made progress on a new, weird task. I didn't finish anything, but officially finishing anything has little to do with how important it is or how much work it requires anyway.

At the end of the workday I drove to pick the kid up and get her to her music lesson. T. had a going-away party for a soon-to-be-former co-worker, so the kid and I got through music just the two of us. At home she watched TV while I cooked. Dinner was pasta with pesto from a kit T. had picked out while shopping over the weekend, and a new recipe I found for broccoli with pine nuts. I thought each of them could have been improved a bit - the pasta could have cooked longer, the broccoli would have been better sauteed than steamed - but were basically OK. The kid liked the broccoli but said the pasta was "OK..." and mimed a thumb down diagonally, "But barf." Her standards are high and weird. T. got home like 10 minutes after the kid and I finished eating.

It was T.'s turn to put the kid to bed, and she did sleep through the night this time. Yay.

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