Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Summer is here

Wordle 347 5/6


Yesterday morning I biked the kid to school. On the way home I did a little shopping. I had two recipes in mind, but for various reasons I didn't get everything I needed for either of them. (Pay attention, this will be important later.) 

Work was OK. One bit of work on an existing task. One new task, which was/is kind of confusing. One bit of troubleshooting a problem with last week's report. In some downtime I tried to review a school board meeting. Among the problems with this school is even when we get information, it's not very user-friendly. 

Since it was Tuesday, I planned to exercise while the kid had swim class. I was thinking I might tone it down a bit, just because I was still sore from the past few days. Little did I know, swim class would be cancelled. We normally do an easy, straight-out-of-the-freezer dinner on swimming nights because we get home so late, but since we hope to reschedule swim class for later in the week, I planned another night's dinner. I decided on one of those two recipes I didn't get everything I was missing ingredients for. When we picked the kid up, we also brought a friend of hers home to save her parents a trip. Afterwards we went shopping for the missing ingredients. The shopping list was only four items, all produce, but somehow we managed to fill two bags. 

That new recipe took much longer than I realized. Dinner was on the table at 7:50, so the kid got to stay up a bit later than usual. She didn't mind. 

In the end I didn't wind up exercising yesterday, but between how busy it was and how much I worked out for the past few days, I don't really mind.

Last night the kid came into bed with us around 4 or so, but I managed to get her back to her own bed and get us both back to sleep separately somehow. I want to be considerate of her when she has nightmares, and I'm not sure what's developmentally appropriate for sleep independence or bad-dream-management but I'm not otherwise worried... but sharing a bed with her is usually than with a snorer.


Re: the title, I wound up taking two showers most days of the past week. One right after exercise and another at the end of the day, just because I would get grimy enough after a day of just existing in the DC heat. Our house has air conditioning but it doesn't help when walking to the car or park. Yesterday I got tired just biking the kid to school, even though biking on city streets is far from strenuous.

We can expect weather like this for most of the next four months or more. A month ago I was looking forward to it. That seems pretty silly right now. One reason is because I don't like wearing shoes much. I didn't back in the Before Time and for the past two years I've been able to wear sandals or go barefoot a lot more. My feet sweat and even get heat rashes easily. If it's 50-60 degrees, it's a bit too cold for sandals, but wearing most other shoes for an hour or more would be uncomfortable if I'm doing anything more physical than sitting around an office. So I don't like weather that would otherwise be a nice spring day. But I miss those now.

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