Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Who knew nine hours of sleep was good for me?

Wordle 360 3/6


Someone out there who reads the same guides as me just got it on the first guess. For a while that word had been my first guess, but I swapped it for something I thought was better. Maybe I was wrong. 

Yesterday when T. logged in to work she found she'd have to go to the office for some set of meetings. I feel sorry for her. Horrible way to start a Monday, right? So I drove her and the kid in.

I impressed myself yesterday. Late in the morning I biked to the store to get a Father's Day card and a few other things. I also changed two lightbulbs that had been flickering or completely dead for a while. By the time I finished those tasks and a little work, it was around noon and 90 degrees, so I considered skipping jogging or shortening my usual route, but I went for it anyway. After that I weeded the back alley, which has become overgrown enough to make it hard to get the bike or trash bins out. I also called an architect to hopefully start planning some home renovations.

As for work, I wasn't incredibly productive in terms of pages written or tasks completed and there were no meetings to attend. However, I did finish a training due by the end of this month, so it was nice to get an annoying task like that out of the way. 

As for World of Warcraft, I think I played less than usual, but it was more productive and less frustrating than usual. Finished a Covenant armor set (13 down, three to go, maybe my math was off back then?) and killed a new raid boss (woo hoo!). I'd attribute this to luck or getting bored with the game rather than skill, though. More on this in a few days, probably.

Around 4, T. called me and asked me to pick her up, because it was 90 degrees out and she didn't want to walk. I laughed at her but agreed. She napped a bit while I went to get the kid. Apparently, despite being in bed for as long as me, she was still tired. (I'm going going to work didn't help.) She's discussing it with a doctor. 

Dinner was stuffed peppers.

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