Friday, June 17, 2022


Wordle 363 6/6


Yesterday was fine. Biked the kid to school. Took a picture of a car parked in the bike lane (it was there on my way out and still there on my way back) but have yet to do something with it. 

I went jogging in the late morning. At work I got one fairly big thing done: my draft of a SOP that is on short notice. I feel like I should be worried about this due to the time left and the usual performance of the SMEs involved. But somehow I'm not. I've done my part, the SMEs seem to be taking it somewhat more seriously than usual, and if they miss the deadline, I think I've documented who is responsible for what well enough. 

Thursday is one of the two days the kid doesn't have an extra-curricular activity after school, so the evening was a little more relaxing than usual. That lasted precisely until dinner was on the table, because she didn't like it. (Pasta and a salad? OK, it was a weird salad and a new kind of pasta, but still!) She was sulky and restless. But in the end, she behaved, and she got enough of the actual dinner down her throat to earn snacks. 

We watched Ms. Marvel together before her bedtime. Nice to have shows we can enjoy as a family.

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