Thursday, June 30, 2022


Wordle 376 4/6


Yesterday I had the house to myself. I made what felt like good progress in Warcraft (not getting anything totally new done, but a gear upgrade and a good position for the last boss), finished a minor but urgent task at work, and tried to get a few more long-standing, slow-moving tasks restarted. I also finished the laundry (or close enough) and did a couple other minor things around the house.

In the evening, we drove out to a brewery just outside the city to meet some friends. (On a weeknight! Taking advantage of being child-free!) It was fun. I wound up drinking more than I had planned... because T. didn't like the beer she ordered, but it wasn't my favorite either, and I wasn't going to be cheated out of two good beers.

This morning I had a bit of a hangover - not horrible, but not imaginary either. I'm getting old.

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