Friday, June 10, 2022

A late afternoon at the museum

Wordle 356 4/6


Whoops. There was an error I should have caught in my 3rd guess. Still, I don't want to complain about getting it in 4. 

Yesterday was fine. Biked the kid to school and got sweatier than I would have expected. Productive at work. A document I'm on is a mess but management can clearly see it's not my fault. 2 meetings but both were easy. I went jogging just after noon. Unfortunately, when I checked the app, it said that I did some zig-zagging that I don't remember. Yet another inaccuracy in the thing. Ugh. 

We picked the kid up at the usual time, but instead of going home, we went to an event at the National Gallery of Art. Taking the bus there was messy but we still had plenty of time to spend there. In addition to the art there was an arts and crafts station for people to make collages, and a digital painting screen, and a few other attractions. It was fun in its own right, and also, T. had coordinated with the parents of some of the kid's friends from school, so there were half a dozen kids around 6 there. Dinner was sandwiches from the cafe in the museum afterwards. Very lazy and not that great, but hey, it was already past the kid's bedtime.

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