Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Back to school

Wordle 437 3/6


Yesterday I biked the kid to school. On the way we were in traffic with a new classmate of hers for most of the route, and when we got there we encountered one of her best friends from school, both being biked in the same way. So that was fun.

Work was uneventful. I had three meetings but they were all easy; just listening to other people talk. Made progress on some minor-to-moderate tasks. (Just realized I forgot about a new task due yesterday. I had even used a calendar reminder, but I dismissed it instead of hitting snooze. Whoops. Luckily the exact deadline is only self-imposed, but it is due some time around the end of the month...)

I didn't get any exercise yesterday, except for biking the kid to school. Partly because the meetings kept me busy until it was too hot out, partly because I felt like I needed to recover from the day before.

We had to pick up the kid by 6 PM (the official after-care at the school goes later than the nannyshare we kludged together; progress!). For dinner I made beef tips and glazed carrots. Easy enough.

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