Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Beating my head against a wall

Wordle 438 4/6


Yesterday the kid was sniffly when she woke up but felt fine otherwise. After getting ready for school she suggested a covid test (how responsible!). Unfortunately those take time. I biked her to school and we got there 2 minutes late. Fortunately no one noticed. 

After dropping her off I made a detour by the nearest library to return a bunch of books. Then I went home. I had the house to myself; it was T.'s one day a week to go to the office. I had a meeting at 10, which was productive enough. 

We've seen signs of a wasp's nest in our back fence (in the fence; it is wood and has two layers and they've apparently nested between the layers, where we can't get to them. Bad design), and when I came home from dropping off the kid and the library books, they were so bad that I came in in stages. (Open the gate, run away. Bring the recycling bin in, run away. Prop the door shut, run away...) So between that meeting and lunch I biked to the hardware store and got wasp/hornet poison, and while I was at it, rat poison - there are a lot of them in the alley. 

I didn't go jogging yesterday, but between the extra biking on those errands, and the timing of the meeting, and the heat, I don't feel bad about it. I'm overdue to do so today, though. 

Normally on a Tuesday I might spend my free time in World of Warcraft on Mythic+ dungeons and raiding - basically, the endgame progression stuff. But yesterday I got sucked into working on a Mage Tower challenge. I've tried the Closing the Eye challenge on a demon hunter, the sixth I need out of seven to get the mount, a ridiculous number of times by now - over 200. I suck. And it sucks. Out of frustration and almost simple whimsy I spent an hour or two putting together a timewalking set for my fury warrior and tried the An Impossible Foe challenge and got it in 5 attempts. That's an insane difference in balance. So now Closing the Eye is the seventh and last I need, and my next attempt will probably be on a class other than the demon hunter because they apparently suck, and I'm a bit behind on the endgame stuff for this week but who cares... 

Dinner was tortellini, the kid's favorite, and a new beet salad recipe, which she objected to, but less than I might have guessed. Victory, I guess.

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