Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Busy Monday

Wordle 430 6/6


I got through a few quick things at work before 7:50 AM yesterday, had just one cup of coffee, and then I went jogging. It rained off and on yesterday, including when I was jogging, so going early probably didn't make the conditions any better. And it doesn't represent a great feat of organization or motivation because the main reason I can't usually do so is the kid. All that being said, good for me. And I did the usual route one minute faster than any day last week easily, so maybe it did help, just not enough to notice in the moment?

Work yesterday wasn't too busy after those quick early tasks. Around 12:30 I took the bus to the kid's school for a welcome-back event. (I started walking and would have continued it it were quicker, but the bus caught up to me about 4 blocks past the usual stop.) At 1 I was manning the parent teach organization's table. I solicited sign-ups in the group and tried to minimally supervise the used t-shirt exchange. My shift ended there at 2. I walked home so I could stop by the grocery store on the way. I got home just in time for a work meeting at 3. Brief and not much to say but I'm still glad I was there just in case. Then, back to school, more as an actual parent than a PTA volunteer although I also helped clean up PTA stuff later. The table was short-staffed, with several gaps in coverage between me and later attendees. 

It was nice to meet the kid's teachers. More to the point, it was nice to be allowed in to school, after things were so restricted last year. I don't want to speak for T. but this made me slightly more optimistic.

We took the bus home. By this point I was exhausted. I think I had underestimated how tiring it would be going to the kid's school twice, even though I took the bus for most of the travel. I made the simplest possible dinner from what I had bought and we watched TV until bedtime.

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