Friday, August 19, 2022

Where does the time go?

Wordle 426 4/6


Yesterday I got up at the usual time but when I logged in to work I realized I had a meeting at 9, which was exactly the drop-off time for the kid's camp, so I couldn't take her. Fortunately T. could. 

I went jogging around 11:30. Really should be going earlier.

Around 3 I went to the nearby UPS store to plan how to return the damaged suitcase, since it's so new it's still within the return window. Shortly after that we had to go get the kid, and after that, we actually made the return. Then she and T. went to the park a bit to play.

In between that stuff at work I wrote up minutes of the meeting, did the usual Thursday afternoon report, planned and experimented with a new one, got in a lengthy process discussion with my team, and finished cleaning up my email after the trip. That's it, though. I'm a bit disappointed I didn't get more done, or even confused. Both a few things I've been putting off, or things I've genuinely worked on but didn't find time for. Where does the time go? I also wasn't playing much World of Warcraft yesterday, at least in terms of getting stuff done, but I can't swear I didn't spend more time than I realized dithering and managing missions tables and stuff...

Dinner was air fryer chicken, green beans with carmelized onions, and roasted tomatoes. The last was the kid's request because a friend had recommended it. It all came out awesome if I may say so myself.

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