Saturday, August 20, 2022

Better-than-average Friday

Wordle 427 5/6


Yesterday, before the kid could watch TV in the morning, she had to go some packing to get ready for our trip tomorrow. I biked the kid to her last day of gymnastics camp. 

Work was a biweekly report day, and we changed things up a bit because both my teammates are working reduced schedules this week. We only had the usual problems, more or less.

I went jogging around 10:30. Earlier than yesterday. Still too late to avoid the heat of the summer day. I feel a bit irresponsible about that, but between the kid's schedule and my own, I'm not sure what I could have done differently. Next week, while she's gone, I'm going to try to go jogging first thing in the morning, before coffee, maybe even before logging in to work, and see if the temperature then is noticeably better.

I got through the essentials at work just in time to go pick up the kid at 4. Then a little more packing and work around the house. Then, dinner here, with the same friends. 

This post brief and mostly written early because of the aforementioned travel.

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