Sunday, August 21, 2022

Lots of driving

Wordle 428 4/6


Ah, the waste-a-guess-to-eliminate-several-letters strategy pays off.

Yesterday we started driving at 8 AM. The kid watched TV episodes downloaded on her iPad until the battery died, then napped a bit, then either read or did a coloring book. The map said our ETA was 4:30 when we started. We spent one hour having a nice lunch and lost another hour to traffic and got to my parent's house at 6:30. 

My parents were glad to see us. Half of dinner was from their garden, the other half from Costco. 

This morning we left their house around 9:30, so that we could visit a bit first on this all-too-brief trip. Normally we'd never do this. If we weren't going to stay ourselves, we'd meet my parents halfway to hand off the kid at some convenient meeting place. But that doesn't work for my parent's schedule this particular weekend because of a golf tournament my dad is in, of all things.

Before we left Vermont we made three stops for various reasons. Posting this roughly halfway through New Jersey.

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