Saturday, August 27, 2022

The laaaast day of freedom

Wordle 434 3/6


Yesterday I went jogging earlyish, let's say 7:45, but not the earliest of this week. Work wasn't too bad. Finally finished my draft of I had been 90 percent done with for the past week, and sent it to the subject matter expert with lots of questions. (Not a lot in absolute numbers, but it felt like a lot per page or whatever.) Around noon we went to the bank, successfully this time. After that, got lunch of burgers and milkshake from a place nearby, and planned exactly when and how to meet my dad and get the kid.

Starting around 2, I tried something that had been on the agenda all week (not directly related to being child-free, but indirectly, because being child-free meant more free time overall) and tried to put up new blinds in our room. I got two done, with a little jury-rigging, by 4. A happy hour we wanted to go to had started at 3:30, so we planned to finish the third blind later. It was fun. It was for parents at the kid's school, with kids invited and running around like maniacs, of course. It was at Union Market and I appreciated being able to walk there.

We stayed until 7, a lot longer than I would have guessed. Dinner was salmon and brussels sprouts. During and after that we watched The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, which I had borrowed from the library weeks ago and, again, not found the time for until now. It was fun.

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