Monday, August 29, 2022

The last day of summer

Wordle 436 4/6


Well, that was straightforward.

Yesterday morning I went jogging around 8. Then I made pancakes for breakfast. Then I finished the work with the blinds in our bedroom. I still want to tinker with one because I put it up first and was still figuring things out, and maybe they could all have one more screw in each support to be a bit more stable, but still, the hard part is done and it was ready to clean up and no longer make our bedroom a work site, so that was nice.

 Finally, after that, I got cleaned up. Yay.

Around noon we went grocery shopping. As always we got more than planned. I blame T. more than the kid...

Around 2 we went to the local pool, where we met two of the kids' friends. The pool was crowded. Probably mostly because it was the last day that particular pool was open, but it didn't help that the deep end was closed due to a problem with the drain or something, so more people were in less space. But, still, the kids had fun. We stayed until almost 5 PM. 

When we went home, we brought one of the kid's friends with us. Her parents are very busy packing to move across town (they only live a couple blocks away from us, but it makes a big difference in the noise, violence, and drug use in their neighborhood, apparently), so the kid got a playdate while they got cleaned up and T. made dinner (enchiladas, of course). The friend stayed for dinner.

Getting locked in by a title

The title of this post is in reference to the kid's school year resuming, plus going swimming with friends, and the pattern set by the last two locked it in. For the past two months, she went to several different camps, she traveled a lot and we traveled a little bit, etc. We generally had fun even though we were working full-time most of the time. Now, she's back at school and she'll have extracurriculars soon. A different kind of fun and busy.

It was not in reference to the weather. It was 91 yesterday and will be today too. Ugh. 

If I wasn't locked in to that, I might have said something about exercise. Jogging, plus a home improvement project, plus swimming (I tried to tread water when keeping the kids company, so that's some physical activity), was exhausting.

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