Monday, August 15, 2022


Wordle 422 4/6


That's more like it.

We spent yesterday traveling. Our driver picked us up at the hotel at 8:15, and breakfast service at the hotel started at 8, so that was rushed. The various lines in the airport were annoying, but we got to our gate with about half an hour to spare, not even counting the time we spent shopping to spend the last of our euros. While T. and I dealt with various last-minute issues, the kid played on a jungle gym near the gate, and made friends with some kids who would be on our flight. 

As fate would have it, they sat right next to us. They didn't actually talk or play together too much, their respective TV screens were more fascinating, but they still appreciated the company (and we appreciated neighbors we had to worry less about bothering). Our kid got frustrated at the entertainment options (her iPad died and wouldn't charge, the games on the seatback console weren't great, and I guess she couldn't find anything she liked on the TV or movie menu?) or generally stir-crazy near the end of the flight, but we managed. T. even gave the other kid's family our contact info. We live three hours apart, but T.'s cousin is in the same city as them, so it's possible...

We got home around 4. We did almost all the unpacking promptly, more because we didn't have anything else to do than out of any industriousness or urgency. The kid's friend across the street came over to play for a bit as soon as we were done with dinner (burritos we had delivered). I cruelly made them clean up their mess. I think the kid's tiredness due to jet lag was showing.

The kid's bedtime has been all over the place during the vacation, but last night she was asleep by 7:30 or earlier. T. was roughly the same. I stayed up until the wild and crazy hour of 9.

I woke up around 1. T. was snoring a tiny bit. On a normal night I might have tried to go back to sleep, or elbowed her to stop it, but due to jet lag I thought things would go better if I went downstairs to the couch. I slept until around 3, when the kid came to see me and said she couldn't get back to sleep. I explained to her that we were going to try to get back on the usual schedule and asked her to go to her room and read or something. Around 4:30 I gave up on sleep, logged in at work, and let her start watching TV.

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