Tuesday, August 09, 2022

The Marriage of Figaro comes to mind

Wordle 416 3/6




Yesterday we got up earlyish (7:30, but we're still a bit jet-lagged so it felt earlier) for the flights to Seville. Good thing, too. Airport check-in and security took so long, our group started boarding 5 minutes after we got to the gate. 

The flight itself was fine. At only 2 hours, it was trivial compared to the flight to Spain. When we landed, we found that our bigger suitcase was badly dented and scratched, but it would still close so the airline wouldn't cover it. I've sworn off flying budget... 

We all went to my parent's hotel together in hopes that we could be transferred there or vice versa. No such luck. After dropping our stuff off there we tried to get a late lunch/early dinner. We couldn't find the first place the hotel recommended. A place I saw on my map was closed. The next place we saw, I guess it was strictly a bar or something, because it had a "no kids" sign. The place after that looked closed too. When we finally found something, it was a cheap neighborhood bar unused to tourists and had only one beer choice, but the food was plentiful, good, and cheap, and we would almost have been happy at McDonald's at that point. 

After that, our own hotel. It seems fancier. The pool was mandatory, of course. 

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