Thursday, August 04, 2022

Getting ready

Wordle 411 4/6


I feel like I should have got that earlier, my third guess was definitely a weird one, but I can't complain about making par!

Yesterday the kid actually did go to camp. A bit late, and we stopped on the way to get Kleenex because she was still a bit sniffly, but she got to see other kids and we didn't have to work with a kid climbing the walls in the house. Yay.

Our actual jobs weren't too busy. We worked full days, but didn't have meetings, deadlines, etc. 

When not working, we got ready for our upcoming trip. Packing, travel paperwork (there's some covid-related stuff, of course), meeting with the cat-sitter, etc. Shopping for a toothbrush case on the way home from picking up the kid. 

Dinner was chicken and glazed carrots. The recipe was a bit different to use up stuff that won't last.

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