Thursday, February 16, 2023

A good day but only for me

Wordle 607 5/6


Yesterday I dropped the kid off at school by myself, since T. was still in too much pain, or had missed too much sleep due to the pain. 

She was up by the time I got back, but left shortly to see a chiropractor, and from there to get x-rayed to make sure this isn't even more serious. I couldn't go too wild and crazy taking advantage of it, I led one meeting in the morning and had several follow-ups on it and things from the day before, but at least I could have my headphones off when not actually speaking. (I had to have them on when speaking even when alone because the headphone's microphone is better than the computer's. One thing I miss about the office is the simplicity of the setups.)

I did my physical therapy in the mid-afternoon, and then walked to the grocery store. I had a short shopping list, got several things that weren't initially on it, but forgot one thing that was, the milk. Ugh. One thing on it was Aleve for T. She got home while I was out and went straight bed but was happy to see me with the pills. We cancelled our plans for a date.

I went to get the kid alone of course. She was able to play with some friends in the playground, which was nice. As soon as we got in the car and I mentioned that our plans for the evening were off, she started wailing. She had been looking looking forward to her babysitter. I let her cry, said consoling things, took her to another park on the way home for a few minutes, but otherwise ignored it, and she was back to normal and even behaving well by dinnertime. I feel like I dodged a bullet, like it easily could have turned into a battle of wills or a full-on fight or tantrum. Maybe I'm figuring out this parenting thing?

I got the milk right after getting home. Dinner was pasta with an improvised garlic/olive oil sauce, and air fryer broccoli. I think they both came out pretty well. Cool.

T. went to bed around the same time as the kid. I stayed up later than usual but still not as late as the night before. 

I got up a couple times in the night due to foot cramps, of all things. Something to ask a physical therapist about.

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