Friday, February 10, 2023

As good as a workday can be with the kid around

Wordle 601 5/6


Yesterday the kid was sick and wanted to stay home from school. Honestly, the main reason I found it credible was simply because I've had a minor sore throat for days. She tested negative for covid, so we just had to deal with her around the house on a workday. 

It was OK. She quiet well enough during our meetings. Got lots of screen time, for better or for worse. I had two meetings scheduled but the first I was just taking notes at, no talking needed, and she kept to herself the whole time. The second I would have been leading, but it was cancelled, likewise for better or for worse. It's annoying how hard it is to get these team documentation meetings started. The people we need just don't show up.

In the early afternoon I took her to the park briefly, and I did most of my physical therapy there while watching her. then we to the bookstore for a couple books she's been asking for, and to the drugstore for more cough drops. In the afternoon I remembered a project she could work on, a gem-digging kit. It was a Christmas present, but makes a mess, so we want her to do it outside, which is a problem most days this time of year. 

We took her to her guitar lesson. She had enough energy and wasn't coughing too much.

Dinner was spaghetti and a cucumber salad. Easy and the kid would actually eat most of it. Yay. After dinner we had a phone call with my parents, mostly to talk about losing the cat.

I did the last of my physical therapy, the foot-rolling, while watching TV as T. put the kid to bed.

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