Friday, February 17, 2023

Crazy, crazy day

Wordle 608 5/6


T. and I both went to drop the kid off at school.

Yesterday was crazy. Soon after getting back from dropping the kid off, I had my first meeting, a regular thing I take notes at. It went well enough, but it filled the whole time, which was unfortunate because I had three more meetings scheduled directly after it. These are part of a series where we're meeting with teams on our contract in hopes of getting them to update their documents. 

  • In the first meeting yesterday, the team was reluctant to do anything with us at all due to security concerns, but when we made it clear that we were mostly asking them to update documents we already had, I think we got through and convinced them that we're worth working with on that, at least. 
  • In the second meeting yesterday, the lead was very late, and politely informed us that he doesn't want to do anything with us at all and wants to rely on a different platform. OK with us as long as he actually goes through the steps to retire his documents. If everyone has the same attitude, then we could organize ourselves into big changes to our current job or even out of a job entirely, but most people are far slower and more disorganized than this guy so I'm not too worried about that.
  • In the third meeting, they were ready to talk to us, already knew the status of all their documents, and we were able to discuss them in the meeting. A few were retired, a few could be reassigned to others, and we can expect updates to the rest soonish hopefully. Awesome. This was the first meeting that upper management chose to audit, apparently by sheer luck.

I had about half an hour break after that for lunch, cleanup, etc., before going into someone else's meeting about a contract deliverable. Lots of work for them but I was just listening.

I left partway through that to go to a physical therapy session. New location, down by Navy Yard. Took the bus most of the way there. New types of exercises. Scheduling follow-ups is getting annoying, though. They couldn't offer me the same time slot, so I have a different one for next week and plan to call a third location about the following week. Ugh. I walked home, despite the rain. It was a reasonable amount of walking for exercise.

I got home around 3. Then back to work for a bit. My teammates had been busy while I was gone. At 4, another meeting, this one a mandatory training/seminar/whatever about how to give presentations. It wasn't bad, and it wasn't completely irrelevant to the types of meetings I've been having lately, but it wasn't the absolute best use of my time either. If you're counting, this was my sixth meeting of the day.

After it ended, I cleaned up the kitchen and prepped dinner quickly, and then went to get the kid. I got her later than usual - not too late for school or the guitar lesson, but later than she likes just because the end of after-care is always boring and lonely. On the way to the guitar lesson, she wanted to race me there. I was carrying everything. Running across the street I stumbled on the curb and went flying. Scraped my little finger bloody and my knee a tiny bit too. No damage to anything except me, which is good I guess.

Dinner was orange chicken stir-fry. 

After a day like this, I don't feel bad about my usual indulgences like the cookie during the music lesson or a cocktail and beer after the kid was asleep, and got to bed before T. for the first time in several days.

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