Saturday, February 11, 2023

Easy Friday

Wordle 602 2/6


OK then!

Yesterday the kid felt well enough to go to school. Cool.

At work I mostly did trainings. Got caught up through March, I think. 

The weather was beautiful, sunny and around 60 (once again, conflicted about global warming) and at physical therapy Wednesday the therapist asked if I had gone jogging, so I assumed it was an option, so I tried it out. Only two miles, I took it very easy. It went OK. Oddly enough, my left leg is sore, my good leg. I'm not saying I'm cured, but maybe physical therapy won't be a very long-term thing?

In the afternoon at work I finalized a document. Woo hoo. I also cleaned up my email a bit, although I'm sure I still have some unsorted. I did one set of my foot exercises in the afternoon while cleaning the kitchen, except for the ball-rolling because that actually requires sitting.

We got the kid at the usual time. We got her to gymnastics on time for once. I did another set of foot exercises while waiting, again except the ball-rolling. While she was in there, T. and I went grocery shopping. We didn't get too much perishable stuff because we have even more eating out than usual planned, but somehow we filled two bags full of stuff anyway.

Dinner was takeout from a place called Chiko. It was good. 


Despite the lack of ball-rolling in my physical therapy sets, this was a very physical day, at least by the standards of the past several months. Many times I've heard people talking about concepts like a "runner's high" and I've been incredulous, even jealous, because I never have experienced it. I'd still say I haven't, but I would say I experience the opposite, call it a "sloth's slump", and it's good to break that.

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