Tuesday, February 28, 2023

The birthday

Wordle 619 5/6


T. took the day off work yesterday. I drove the kid to school (back to normal, woo hoo!) while she slept in. When she finally came down, she appreciated the card and flowers I had got her.

Work was fine. (I almost titled this something like "weekdays are more relaxing than weekends" but the birthday seemed more important.) Three meetings, but I only had something to say in one of them and it was fairly simple. I could have got more done, there's one document I'm overdue to start on and a bunch of reminder emails I need to send out, but I wasn't completely useless. I got an upcoming presentation ready in advance, so at least I or my substitute would be just in case something like this happened again. 

I had the house to myself most of the day. T. got a facial and massage (one was a present from me for her birthday last year) and generally spent the day around town. Around 2:30 in the afternoon I went to the post office to mail a package of hers. I had forgotten about this office's weird lunch schedule, so I went to the nearby grocery store and got 3 things we could use that were light and easy to carry since I hadn't really planned on this.

After that, I installed a windshield wiper we had bought months ago on the car and walked to the parts store on the corner hoping to find replacements for the other two. Unfortunately they only had one, and it was a different brand from the previous one, so they'll be mismatched. I would have walked to another store for the third one but T. was back by now and we had to go get the kid soon.

We got the kid, came home, and went right back out again to dinner. It was at Le Clou, a new, fancyish French-ish place near us. We would have walked if the weather was nice, but it wasn't, so we drove. The restaurant was OK. Fancy, pricey (but if T. had a good birthday, that's what counts, and she says she did), modern, kind of sterile, but the food was good.

Not a big deal, but it feels like it should be: just now I noticed the old work-from-home reminder on my calendar. Before covid I worked from home on Tuesdays, and had a calendar reminder so that anyone looking for me or trying to schedule something could hopefully see it. I hadn't noticed it until now because it doesn't show up as "busy" and it applies to the whole day, so it's easy to miss. But it's clearly irrelevant, so I deleted it. I'm probably not going back to the office regularly at all, and I'm definitely, definitely not going back four days a week.

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