Sunday, February 19, 2023

At Rehoboth Beach

Wordle 610 5/6





Yesterday we had the usual weekend morning, but I started cooking before T. got up because we had plans. Pancakes and bacon, as usual. I did my physical therapy after breakfast. Then we packed for a trip to Rehoboth Beach for the three-day weekend. The kid was industrious and packed for herself - for a full week. Heh. T. drove and I slept as much as I could. I don't know if it was apparent from the previous post but I was tired for some reason. I got enough sleep by the numbers the night before, but maybe it wasn't enough to make up for the previous week. After we arrived, a little shopping, then dinner at a place recommended by a coworker of T.'s. Then to the hotel pool. Then bed, early. 

Test. Had a weird glitch with the first draft of this.

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