Saturday, February 18, 2023

TGIF, I guess

Wordle 609 4/6





Yesterday, T. took the kid to school without me, so she could go to a parents' event at the school and then a doctor's appointment. I worked. The (bi)weekly report went better than usual, for what it's worth, but other random stuff came up and the week's general trend of being busy continued. I sent a draft of a document to the subject matter expert, which is always nice. 

By the time the afternoon came, I got to relax a bit. Played WoW, of course. We got the kid early due to a parent's happy hour near the school. It was very busy. It was fun, I guess, but brief. One beer and Brussels sprouts and a little chat while we dodged kids.

Then, to gymnastics. For once we had no errands to run unless returning books to the library counts. 

Afterwards, pizza for dinner. I wasn't starving, so we just got one pizza for all three of us. I did my physical therapy (good for me) right before putting the kid to bed. 

The latest book

Last night I finished reading Nona the Ninth. I wanted to like it, I liked a lot of things about it, I'm not sure if the problem is the book or my approach to it (maybe it would have been better to binge on it instead of reading ~20 pages a week?) or my overall cognitive state, but I found it too confusing. 

This book is the third in a series. The first book was a fairly straightforward murder mystery set in a sci-fi/fantasy world, except for a twist in the main character's backstory being revealed near the end. The second book was half straightforward sci-fi quest/politics, and half flashbacks with a twist, and at the end there was an explanation for that structure, which sounds confusing when I put it like this but felt straightforward enough when I was on the last chapter. Nona, though, is just a mess. Half flashbacks and I didn't fully understand what they were flashbacks to until I read about it on TV Tropes. The protagonist was an amnesiac, neurodivergent, or both, with superpowers and even after reading it it's not clear why. There were a bunch of supporting characters with random relationships and rivalries between them.

I'd be tempted to reread the series from the start, but the start is in California with T.'s parents. Maybe I'll just reread the second and hope that clears things up enough. Or maybe I'll just put this in a box and forget about it entirely.

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