Saturday, February 25, 2023

Not relaxing enough

Wordle 616 X/6


Oh well. At least I set a new streak.

Yesterday morning was typical for this week. Maybe the kid slept in until 7:15 or even 7:30 for once? I drove the kid to camp alone because T. had a meeting.

Work was fine. Not too busy. My teammate J. is being unusually taciturn, but he's still being professional so if he doesn't want to share, I'm going to try not to read too much into it. One meeting in the morning, my annual performance review. Good overall. 

I went for a walk for mild exercise in the mid-afternoon. 

The plan was to pick the kid up from camp at 5, but another parent was happy to do so and take her and some friends to their house so they could play a bit longer. Sure, why not. The plan then was to pick her up around 5:15 and go to gymnastics class, but when we got there they were having so much fun, and also had pizza to share, so they T. suggested we skip gymnastics and stay. I was opposed. In addition to the hassle of rescheduling the gymnastics, we have several things planned for this weekend. "When do we get to relax?" I asked T. But I bowed to puppy dog eyes and agreed to stay. We hung out almost 2 hours. Dinner was pizza and finger food. T. had a lot of fun chatting with the other parents, some of whom we're getting to know well by now. The kid of course had a lot of fun until she got frustrated by being "it" too often in games of tag, i.e. tired, and bruised from falls. I tolerated it all. I think I performed OK for socializability but there would definitely be room for improvement... if I cared. It had been a bad week or even two weeks. 

When we got home, I got the kid in the shower and then went to the bodega for bacon, juice, and eggs. Then I cleaned the kitchen, did my physical therapy, and went to bed by 9:30. T. stayed up a little later than me but not much. For once I got a good night's sleep.

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