Friday, February 03, 2023

Busy afternoon

Wordle 594 4/6


Work was fine yesterday. One meeting right after I got back from dropping the kid off, took notes as usual, minor productivity on other tasks. I owe someone a draft of a document and it won't be fun, but I can honestly say I've been busy with other things and almost say they're higher priorities.

Yesterday morning I called the vet about getting the cat a blood test. (Should have done it the day before but didn't get around to it. Ugh. We're bad pet owners.) They had a slot at 12:45, so we took it. T. dropped me and him off and had to go right away for a meeting, so I carried him back. He didn't appreciate that. 

Around 3:30 in the afternoon T. and I went to Costco. I hoped we could do the shopping (picking up the sandwich platters, plus some stuff for ourselves) and be done in time to drop me off at home and have T. get the kid to her guitar lesson by herself, because I couldn't honestly say I had put in a full day. (Yay, tracking time hourly, American work-life balance... but at least the fact that I work from home makes it easy to run errands like I've been doing for the past week to begin with.) But we didn't manage to do so because T. also wanted to look at new computers. Her personal computer is badly in need of replacement. Should have communicated better, I guess.

So we went straight from there to the school. Picked the kid up a bit early due to a Girl Scout event. She got to play on the playground with her friends between then and guitar. Guitar went fine. 

Dinner was spaghetti and cucumber salad. Easy and relatively fast, since guitar is so late. I did a tiny bit of work while T. was reading to the kid.

Haven't seen the cat since shortly after we got home. A year ago this would be funny. "Isn't our cat crazy, choosing to be outside in weather like this?" Now it's sad, if all the veterinary stuff has driven him away, and scary, although not as scary as his actual health.

I didn't do my physical therapy yesterday. Ugh.

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