Saturday, November 04, 2023

A wasted day

Wordle 868 3/6


Yesterday the kid's school had inservice for parent-teacher conferences, so instead I took the kid to an outdoor adventure program in Rock Creek Park. It required driving basically across town during rush hour. Not fun.

Once again, I got moderate exercise in the early afternoon (calisthenics in front of the TV), and sent out a draft of the document I started work on the day before. Otherwise, the day was a waste. It's getting harder to act like this is because I'm on top of everything or the game is so enthrallingly fun I can't resist.

In fairness, I shouldn't undersell the stuff I did get done, I guess. Regular exercise is good and the current rate of drafts getting sent out is good, even if there's a sense in which it should be better. 

A friend of the kid was at the same program, so her mother drove them both home. The kid and I vegetated at home for a bit, and then we went to District Taco for dinner, and then she had gymnastics. Meanwhile I went for a walk to get just a bit more exercise. Good for me. I also started a "master to-do list". I've used lots of to-do lists for specific days or events, and they generally help but could be better, and I'm hoping that a rolling, living document will be even more useful. Can't hurt to try.

Last night I finished For the Wolf. It was OK.

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