Tuesday, November 14, 2023


Wordle 878 6/6


Yesterday we biked the kid to school on 3 bikes. I'm glad. Maybe we weren't quite ready for a two-person trip just yet. 

Typical day overall. Two meetings, one just listening in and one I was leading but it was fairly simple, but unfortunately it wasn't too productive because one of the people we needed wasn't there; worked on a couple minor documents; played Warcraft in my downtime.

The kid had a music lesson yesterday. (Not normally Mondays, but we skipped it two weeks ago due to Halloween.) I got there early for once and went for a walk while I waited. T. made enchiladas for dinner.

In the evening I set up a fitness tracker spreadsheet. It took me a while to do so. That's partly because it seems like it should be possible to get the data automatically from my phone's app, but I couldn't figure out how. I've started backfilling it. I've already got through August, which is when the paper journal started, for step counts, and still plan to get alcohol numbers and other workout numbers in there. 

Once I've made the paper journal obsolete, I'll have to see how much more detailed I can or want to be. I'm not sure what the point of this is, except that I still am not happy with my fitness or lack thereof (although using the regular bike again is a good sign), and quantifying the problem(s?) seems like it might help.

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