Monday, November 13, 2023


 Wordle 877 4/6


Yesterday we had French breakfast: a loaf of bread, some soft cheese, butter, and pastries. A nice way to get variety.

My foot and knee were sore. Maybe I overdid it the day before. So I put my knee brace on as I got dressed. 

A friend joined us for breakfast and then drove us to a nature preserve in Virginia. (This wasn't the original plan, but honestly, I'm glad.) The hardest part was getting the kid's bike in her car. There were "no biking" signs at the nature preserve, but she put up with walking with good grace. We saw some cool birds. We went to a cheap Chinese food place for lunch. Comfort food like I haven't had in a long time. Then T. and the friend wanted to go to the mall for a certain sale, so we found a nearby park where I could supervise the kid biking. It took some exploring but we finally found a loop where she could go around in circles indefinitely and stay within sight. We still got some scrapes (including me, when the bike hit me, but I'll take the blame because she was doing as I said...), but there were no scares.

After that, home. Dinner was mostly leftover Chinese food. I was a bit worried about that, but no one threw up, so I guess it was OK.

However, I was up for over two hours, just lying in bed. I got back to sleep eventually and T. was up for a while too so I don't mind, but it is concerning or at least annoying that insomnia just seems like a fact of life these days.

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