Friday, November 03, 2023

The events of the day from best to worst

Wordle 867 2/6


Woo hoo.

The best: after Girl Scouts I took the kid for a biking session. It was later than I'd normally like to do it, but I figured it would be OK. Starting without help is what she's having trouble with, so I talked her through it and had her get started. It was frustrating at first, but when she got cold and I went to the car to get her gloves, I turned around to find her biking under her own power. Awesome. That was the last of the fundamentals she needed to learn. Good session, even though there was some yelling in frustration (and screaming in pain, when she fell and hit her knee). 

My own exercise belongs in the "good" section. It was by biking to my eye doctor's appointment in the afternoon. I was riding my own bike, so it was fun and sort of a refreshing change. I also spent a fair amount of time jogging around the park keeping up with the kid on her bike.

Also, dinner was the kid's favorite, tortellini, along with Brussels sprouts, which I enjoy well enough.

The average: work. Similar to yesterday but in more frustrating ways. I started work on a task that has been in my/our backlog for a while, should have been started before now, and should have been in better shape before we got it. Ugh. Just sloppy on everyone's part.

The bad: Warcraft. I spent hours today fucking around with casual collectible stuff on yet another character. In the late afternoon, I said I should finally do some competitive dungeons because time is running out before the next season. I started a Neltharus+17 and it went well at first, but wiped once at the first boss and someone left. The most frustrated I've been with the game in a while. I've already thought of some things that would be worth doing in the game despite that, but I'm definitely done with competitive content for the season.

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