Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Halloween teardown

Tough Wordle today. Might be the end of the streak.


Wordle 872 6/6



Yesterday was fine. Biked the kid to school. Had three meetings, all easy, productive, or both. I also got a draft of a document to the reviewer. The big personal project of the day was tearing down Halloween stuff. It's not in the basement, but it's ready to go there if T. agrees with me about throwing away some broken stuff. (And if she doesn't, she can repack it!)

I got exercise by doing calisthenics in front of the TV. As is all too often the case, I left the house at the last minute due to an email I felt I had to answer, and we were late for the music lesson. Need to work on this. During the lesson I went for a walk even though I didn't need to. Good for me.

Dinner was orange chicken. (I tried to make it fun by using up some purple vegetables in it and calling it "purple chicken", but no one was fooled.)

The kid was grumpy and difficult in the evening. When pressed, she admitted that she got hurt a bit by people roughhousing in the extended day program, or getting into trouble in a minor way. On the one hand I wish she wouldn't take it out on us. On the other hand, at least she could describe it when pressed.

Woke up at 4:30 and couldn't get back to sleep. T. was snoring but I'm not sure that was the only problem. One bit of advice I got from watching the Guide to Sleep was to get up and do something when you can't sleep, or at least go lie down somewhere else so you aren't stressing out about sleep. Thus this, plus some Reddit. Now to try to lie down again...

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