Sunday, November 05, 2023

Sun is good. Who knew?

Wordle 869 4/6


Yesterday we had pancakes and bacon, but the pancakes were made from scratch rather than Krusteaz. It was OK. I appreciate the variety but probably won't stick with this as long as we stuck with the mix.

Shortly after that, the kid asked to go biking. Now that she's finally got the fundamentals, it's fun. I was happy to encourage this. We basically spent the whole day biking. First in the parking lot by the rec center, and I eventually coaxed her to bike to the farmer's market with me and T., and then back to the parking lot. We took a break for lunch, and after that, more biking, this time in the park. I was exhausted by the end of it, walking and jogging along with her while she biked, but it was fun, good for her, and good for me too. 

I finally called it quits around 5 so I could start on dinner. My parents arrived a little after 5:30. Dinner was a hit: pork chops, cucumber salad, and cauliflower. 

The only problem was after dinner, when T. noticed lice in the kid's hair. So I made a quick trip to the drugstore and we (almost entirely T., but I got a few) spent about an hour de-lousing the kid's head.

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