Monday, November 27, 2023

Worse in hindsight

I didn't even finish yesterday's Wordle? I suck. I've Googled, it was "solid", I just couldn't think of it right away, got distracted between my 4th and 5th guess, and didn't come back to it.

Wordle 891 5/6


Yesterday was the usual brunch of eggs and home fries. Fine. 

Tried to go to the farmer's market but it wasn't there, presumably because of the holiday. The big project yesterday was decorating for Christmas. Got the bins out of the basement and put up the lights and plastic tree. Was a little more creative than the lights than usual. Good for me.

After that there was several hours of downtime before our evening plans. We filled it with TV. We exposed the kid to the Doctor Who Christmas special, which she seemed to enjoy. Yay, another shared interest. We thought about going biking or otherwise getting physical activity, but it was raining. So after Doctor Who, we simply let her finish Avengers 2: Age of Ultron. After that, a little quiet time, for all of our benefit. The kid was good, as far as I could tell; at least, she didn't keep me from napping for about 40 minutes.

After that, we drove to a friendsgiving. T. and the kid stepped on dog shit getting into the car, which we didn't notice until we smelled it halfway there. Dinner ran later than I expected/hoped. The kid nearly had a temper tantrum when a drawing she did didn't go well, and she dominated the discussion with summaries of TV shows she has watched. We left after 10, partly because we wanted to hear the end of a school board meeting. It was disappointing. 

Going home we found dog shit smeared all over the car seat. Ugh. 

Got in bed after 11. Reeeeeally not looking forward to getting the kid up for school in a few minutes.

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