Monday, November 06, 2023

More biking, parents, and lice

Wordle 870 3/6


Yesterday was the "clocks fall back day". Good. The extra hour was needed. Brunch was 3 courses: apple pancake, eggs, and home fries. 

After that, a trip to the park so the kid would bike more. It got complicated by all five of us going to the farmer's market at various times while supervising the kid, shopping, and chatting with people we ran into. The kid had an impromptu playdate with friends she ran into and one of their mothers came over to chat with us for a while.

In the afternoon, the four adults walked to REI while the kid biked. (She leaned too far while standing waiting for us and fell, which wouldn't have hurt if she hadn't landed on a wire fence. She's got a ridiculous number of bandages at the moment.) The main goal was visibility vests, for her and for that matter me to bike more safely, but we got a few other things as well. After that, I took her to the Swampoodle park while T. and my parents went to Politics and Prose.

Dinner was at Tiki Garden, a new Thai place on H Street. It was nice. The only problem in all this was the fact that we're still finding lice in the kid...

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