Tuesday, May 31, 2022

My feet hurt

Wordle 346 3/6


Yesterday morning around 5 AM I noticed the kid was in bed with us, so I went down to the couch again to sleep for a couple more hours. After she got up and I had finished the morning computer stuff I went jogging. Different zig-zagging, slightly less distance than the day before, still more than normal. 

Breakfast was home fries and fried eggs. Then, a little laundry. All the kid's friends were unavailable today, so we went to the American History Museum. Took the bus from right by our house to 12th St. and then walked almost 10 blocks down 12th St. to the museum. Then, of course, we walked around the museum. The kid was in more of a hurry than us, not giving us time to read most of the signs, but it's not like we were going to run out of stuff to see, so I wasn't too worried. We were in the right place for the holiday parade, so that was cool too, although T. was a bit disgruntled to see some MAGA types in the museum. 

We left there around 4. But instead of going home, the kid wanted to show us the Arts & Industries Museum, a sort of museum of futurism. She had been there before with her grandparents one time but we hadn't. It was kind of cool.

We got ice cream near a bus stop just off the Mall when we finally decided to head home, but the bus wasn't coming, due to a detour. The parade route hadn't completely closed down yet. So instead we wound up retracing our earlier route and just walking up to a stop from the bus route from the original bus route. 

Dinner was beef tips (I think the kid was too tired to object) and asparagus. 

My fitness tracker says that between the jog and the walking, I did more than 7 miles yesterday. Wow. My feet still hurt. 

The good news is, though, I slept through the night last night. Woo hoo.

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