Friday, September 02, 2022

A grouchy day

Wordle 440 4/6


Yesterday I biked the kid to school. The wasps seemed gone, so we used the back gate. Because of construction on the way, I took a slight detour on the way home and it turned into a bigger detour due to construction on a different block I had forgotten about. Just can't get around at all...

When I got back, I found more wasps. Ugh. We might have to call an exterminator.

Work was fine. I had a meeting at 9. (It's a regular thing but I keep on forgetting about it until the calendar reminder. One of these days I might go jogging at the wrong time and miss it entirely. I have actual responsibilities in it, so that would be bad.) There was one other scheduled but it was cancelled because the main people there weren't ready, so that's annoying for them but doesn't really affect me too much.

I went jogging a little after that morning meeting, around 11 or so. It was already uncomfortably hot, and I was grouchy anyway due to lack of sleep and the night before, but still, good for me. I felt dutiful.

Dinner was spaghetti, with a sort of improvised homemade tomato sauce, and a green salad. Healthy, easy, and vegetarian. Despite the simplicity of it, it was later than usual because T. had a meeting with the school parent's group.

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