Thursday, September 29, 2022

Goodbyes and first meetings

Wordle 467 3/6


Yesterday on the way home from biking the kid to school, I did a little shopping, mainly sandwiches (more on this later). Other than that it was a typical Wednesday until the end of the workday, in that I had the house to myself. I worked out on the exercise bike without worrying about T.'s schedule, was more leisurely about getting dressed than usual, and worked and played with headphones off. 

A little after 3 I left to go to a happy hour, a going-away party for a soon-to-be-former coworker. I've known him since 2016, long before the contract transition. I've contacted him for work roughly weekly this whole time, and I might have seen him in person at this gathering, I'm not sure, but if not, then yesterday was the first time I've seen him since the Before Time. Wow. It was also the first time I met one of my two actual teammates. That was nice. No real revelations about her personally but it was nice to put a face to the name. Also at least two more subject matter experts I've worked with here and there and I got to chat with some people I had met but didn't know at all.

The location was in Rosslyn. It seems like a good setting for Fight Club: little retail or residential neighborhoods, just soulless office buildings and bars that cater to the people who work there. Somehow it's accessible to both metro and thoroughfares. The bar this was set at looked like it hadn't redecorated since the 80s, with a glittery formica curved bar. I don't mean to complain, though. It was a good setting for this and this setting is fine to visit every few months, I'd just find it nightmarish to work there. I had three beers over roughly two hours, but also plenty of food and water and the beers weren't that strong.

Then, after that, I met T. and the kid at a movie night at a park. Several friends/neighbors were there. The movie was Night at the Museum, but the kid couldn't care less about that while her friends and a jungle gym were nearby. However, her friends left around 8:15, and we took that as a cue to do the same. (So of course, now she found the movie fascinating.) In the end we got her to bed about half an hour late.

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