Wednesday, September 07, 2022

Exercise is mental

Wordle 445 3/6


Damn I'm good.

Yesterday T. planned to take the bus or metro to jury duty, basically equidistant from the school and our house, and I planned to bike the kid to school, but it was raining. So we left a little early and I drove them to both destinations. The round trip only took like 10 minutes longer than usual. The worst traffic in the city is between our house and the school.

Work was fine. I had a meeting scheduled at 10 AM, but someone else had to cancel, so that was just put off until tomorrow. Two other meetings, but neither required much (or any) input or activity from me. I finished the draft of a document I had working on and sent it out for hopefully final approval.

The rain had cleared up by noon, so I went jogging. "Exercise is 90 percent mental", they say, so in that sense I guess my attitude doesn't help, but sometimes it seems "mental" in the sense of "crazy". This is a lot of exertion with immediate pains and ephemeral benefits. And it's just plain weird. I might expect knee pain, but why does the sole of my foot hurt? Maybe I need to look harder again for another mode of exercise...

As for World of Warcraft, I got Keystone Master yesterday, my last seasonal goal. Good for me. There's still lots to do in the game - seasonal stuff that has been a lower priority until now, evergreen goals I haven't got around to yet, and of course simply playing for fun, it's just a game - but the "pressure" is off.

In addition, I also did the laundry. I feel like I was a little more productive today than on most days I have the house to myself.

I drove to pick up the kid and we went straight from there to a Scout meeting. I was just a deputy/assistant pack leader, but I was still responsible for helping maintain order in general, and for getting half the kids (14 total) through some brief games as both a team-building activity and a distraction while their parents were briefed on adult stuff, and it was nerve-wracking. I don't know how the actual leaders or teachers do it, wrangling over a dozen hyperactive seven-year-olds. 

Dinner was pizza. Bedtime for the kid wasn't as easy as two nights ago, I guess that was just a fluke, but I'd say it was still minor progress towards independent bedtimes, I guess...

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