Saturday, September 10, 2022

A specific foot hurts

Wordle 448 5/6


Biked the kid to school as usual yesterday. She got stubborn at the last minute about wearing her school uniform, but we put our foot down. We also talked through the issue on the bike and I think or at least hope we might have found ways to make the uniform more palatable. A compromise, maybe. Who knows. On the way home I did some grocery shopping at Trader Joe's, but they were out of or never carried at all a surprising number of things I wanted. (Out of pastrami and the particular kind of cream cheese we like and never carried dried parsley. So, three, which isn't a lot but was still annoying.)

I worked out on the squatting machine again. I was still a little sore from the last time, but not in a bad way, just in a "muscles I haven't used in a while" way.

Work was OK. It was an off-week for the report, so that was nice. I got out some ad hoc reports we had been assigned a few weeks ago. It took me a while, but they never got around to telling me a deadline, so I got it in before that! 

After school, the kid had gymnastics class. We did a little more shopping and errands. Dinner was burritos at District Taco.

My right foot still hurts. Not a lot, although it added up with general fatigue by the end of the day, but any amount is a bit worrying considering all the low-impact exercise or no exercise at all. I need to make a doctor's appointment on general principles and it might be worth discussing that.

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